XAPI Developer Guide

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Revision as of 12:30, 11 July 2013 by Lars.kurth (talk | contribs)
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XAPI Developer Guide

This guide is a constantly evolving documentation effort to support developers learning about or working with XAPI. If you would like to edit these pages and have not already done so - please contact community.manager@xen.org with your Wiki User Name for editing rights.

OCaml Language

The XAPI toolstack is written entirely in OCaml. General information on the language is available at http://www.ocaml-tutorial.org/, which is mirrored at http://mirror.ocamlcore.org/ocaml-tutorial.org/.

XAPI Tutorials

A collection of tutorials to better understand how to make changes to XAPI.

XAPI Projects

Projects currently being worked on and suggestions for future projects.

XAPI Internals

How XAPI Works...