NUMA node-specifc memory allocation

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NUMA node-specific memory allocation

Entry point: xenguest --mode hvm_build

xenguest --mode hvm_build: It calls do_hvm_build(), which calls stub_xc_hvm_build().


It starts the HVM/PVH domain creation by filling out the fields of struct flags and struct xc_dom_image and calls hvm_build_setup_mem().


  • Gets struct xc_dom_image *dom, max_mem_mib, and max_start_mib.
  • Calculates start and size of most parts of the domain’s memory maps
    • taking memory holes for I/O into account, e.g. mmio_size and mmio_start.
  • It then uses those to calculate lowmem_end and highmem_end.
  • Finally, calls xc_dom_boot_mem_init().


In all cases, xc_dom_boot_mem_init() is called.

It calls the architecture-specific meminit hook for the domain type:

rc = dom->arch_hooks->meminit(dom);