AB Votes/Outreach Program for Women Round 8

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Motion.jpg Vote|Motion:  increase allocation for the 2014 summer round of Gnome Outreach Program for Women (aka OPW) from $6,250 to $12500

  • If you agree, please reply with “+1 for 2 interns”
  • If you would like us to fund 3 instead of 2 interns at a cost of “$6250 x 3” then reply with “+1 for 3 interns”
  • If you disagree, vote “-1, keep funding at 1 intern”

The vote was carried (7 votes were needed)


Votes in favour for 3 interns

  • CA
  • Citrix
  • Oracle
  • AMD
  • Intel
  • ARM
  • Bromium

Votes in favour of an increase (without specifying a number of interns)

  • Rackspace