AB Votes/Xen Project Video Project

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Motion.jpg Vote|Motion:  support Xen Video Project at a cost of $3500

Carried with

  • 8 votes in favour : ARM, AMD, AWS, CA, Cavium, Citrix, Intel, Oracle
  • 1 abstained: Rackspace


Copied from budget:

 2014.7e T-Shirts and swag for Xen Project at OSS events   $9,000

We spent $1500 this year on 2014.7e and are likely to only need another $3000 this year. This means that $4500 would remain unspent, which we could use to create the video and have some contingency,



  • Pre-Production phone meeting to discuss interview questions and direction
  • Though interviewees’ exact responses will be unscripted, general themes and messages will be pre-determined by Client to help guide the interviews.
  • Coordinate Schedule of 1 day shoot, equipment rental (if necessary)
  • Obtain any graphics or logos for Edit
  • Client to secure filming location, arrange on-screen talent schedules, and clearances

PRODUCTION: 1 HD 1080p shoot, Lighting, Sound. Location: LinuxCon NA, Chicago, IL

  • Shoot day: Morning of 8/19/14
  • Film 4-5 (TBD) interview subjects
  • 1-on-1 documentary style interviews
  • Client to be onsite as talent liaison, and conduct interviews
  • Surrounding B roll (if applicable)


  • Edit 4-5 Interviews (TBD) into 1.5 - 2 minute vignettes
  • Music, Graphics, Color Correction, Audio, Sound Effects, Compression


  • Content Cuts
  • Rough Cuts (Music, color, audio incorporated)
  • Final Cuts
  • 1080P version for Youtube/online delivery (or any other format you may need)
  • Delivery due date TBD


  • Pre-Production & Planning, Production, Post Production, Delivery of 4-5 vignettes (Interviews)
  • Additional video : Delivery of Overview/Mashup video incorporating all interviewees
    • Additional Questions/Theme to be determined by client
    • 1-2 Minute total running time
    • Video delivered to same technical specifications as above
    • Video due date TBD