OpenSUSE Xen pvops status
This page is dedicated to keep track of what is needed to get you up and running with the latest kernel and latest xen code, that uses pvops. This assumes you will be building on top of vanilla Linux and vanilla unstable xen trees.
Requirements to run pvops
Configuring the kernel
You'll first want to configure your kernel, since Xen supports both a dom0 and guest options folks have been historically building two separate kernels to support each of these functionalities. It is desirable however to build only one kernel to support both. There are some hard things to resolve to get to that but for now to build your kernel you want to use the new 'make xenconfig' kernel configuration option which will let you enables all you need for both dom0 and guest support on x86 and arm64 architectures, these patches are pending to be merged upstream, you can find them here:
Fixing grub
There are a series of outstanding bugs which have fixes made but yet to be merged:
* boo#774666 grub2 does not offer a Xen entry after installing hypervisor and tools * bsc#895286 grub2 prevents xen pvops kernel from appearing on menu - fix now merged on Factory * bsc#897901 /sbin/installkernel requirements for Xen - fix now merged on Factory